Banana Cookies
Submitted by Amanda Stewart; her Associate is Manager Bianca Stone
Submitted by Amanda Stewart; her Associate is Manager Bianca Stone
1 cup/250 mL butter
1 1/2 cup/375 mL sugar
1 tsp/5 mL Watkins Double-Strength Vanilla (ref ID# 358211)
2 tbsp/30 mL Watkins Cinnamon (ref ID# 358211)
1 banana mashed
1 tsp/5 mL baking soda
1 egg
2 - 3 cups/500 mL - 750 mL flour
Preheat oven to 375°F/190°C. Combine 1 cup/250 mL sugar with butter and whip until light and fluffy. Add vanilla and egg, mix well. Add banana and blend. Add baking soda and flour. Cookie dough should be soft and can be formed into a ball. Mix the remaining sugar and cinnamon together and roll cookies in mixture. Place on cookie sheet and bake for 12 to 14 minutes or until golden brown.
You can be a winner too! Congratulations Amanda! Courtesy of Watkins Online